In the 60s and 70s it was not clear whether New Babylon was science fiction or a documentary. But if we look at it now, New Babylon shows life today; a world of interactivity, moving from event to event, connections and relationships with people all over the world. A world where no one is a stranger. A world where man is an active player. We can visit places and establish relationships with people that are beyond the physical possibilities. In this research and design, the new structures of new ways of living are intertwined with the existing structures of post-war neighbourhoods.

The addition of the New Babylon structure to a programme of temporality, use, play, interaction and nature will have a catalytic effect on t hese existing neighbourhoods, which will be made more sustainable with wooden structures that puncture the roofs as catalysts and bridge t he wide streets. The spaces will create communal public spaces such as gardens, workplaces, temporary living spaces or enclaves with vegetable gardens. The existing building will be "injected" with the new structure, making it "new" and ready for the future. The strict wide streets of the existing modernist design now separate life at ground level and make spontaneous events impossible. We propose new structures that will be physical and social connectors for the neighbourhood.

Client : Self Initiative
Collaborator : URBAN ECHOES
Site : Lodewijk van Deysselstraat in Amsterdam
Programme : Area development
Type : Research